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Kwajo Tweneboa

    Kwajo Tweneboa is a 23 year old student and campaigner, who has become almost synonymous with the fight against poor conditions in social housing.

    Tweneboa’s work started in response to his experience living on Clarion’s Eastfield’s estate. While his father was dying of terminal cencer, the housing association made no response to the family’s complaints of the conditions on their damp, vermin-infested flat. Using social media, Tweneboa names and shames housing providers, posting photos and footage of extreme examples of poor condition, either taken by him at residents homes, or sent to him by residents.

    While many I talked to spoke highly of Kwajo, none had contacted him, due to the feeling that their conditions were not ‘as bad’ as the one Kwajo platformed. Others also mentioned that while the technique Kwajo utilises has yeilded results for individual complainants, it has rarely changed systemic issues on estates or across providers’ wider stock.