Damp capital



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Survey response 013

  • Postcode: E2 6AH
  • Tenancy: Private rented
  • Provider: PRS
  • Duration of problem: When I lived in london from 2018 to 2020 every apartment I rented had issues with damp. Every. Single. One. Many had black mold growing in the windows or behind the wall paper and all of them had irresponsible landlords that did nothing to help.
  • Problem type: Damp and mould (both historic)
  • Have you contacted anyone for help with these problems? What was their response?: Most landlords ignored me. My Bethnal Green landlord, where the damp was so bad black mold grew around the windows there was even a tiny bit of condensation, told me to just wipe the mold away, and paid for “mold repellent spray” but that was quite literally the only thing any of them ever did to help.
  • Is there anything else you would like to add?: I was born in london and lived there for the first 8 years of my life with my mother - our homes had damp and mold problems then too, and my mother, who was born in the 70s, talked about the horrifying living experiences she’d had growing up too, of rented apartments where it was more mold than cement. This is not a new problem. For context, she now lives in Cornwall and since moving away I now live in Germany, and shockingly living by the seaside and in a city with the most bridges and waterside areas in the world has less damp than in central london. Go figure.