Damp capital



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Survey response 026

  • Postcode: SE6
  • Tenancy: Social housing, housing association
  • Provider: L&Q
  • Duration of problem: Literally all my life. I’ve lived in this house for over 20 years.
  • Problem type: Damp and mould (both ongoing)
  • Have you contacted anyone for help with these problems? What was their response?: The council simply tell us to ventilate the property by keeping our windows open… during winter. They’ve never actually done or given us any help to solve the damp. We’re expected to buy things to eradicate it ourselves and are told to just bleach and clean the walls whenever it appears.
  • Is there anything else you would like to add?: It’s depressing. I feel like I’m scrubbing my walls and ceilings all the time, I can’t keep up with it. It’s also so embarrassing having people over because the damp is so visible against the stark white surfaces. It infuriates me that I have to choose between living in a freezing home or a damp one, all because the council haven’t made/maintained this property better.